Start Up
Consultancy and collaboration in the food, fitness, medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology sectors, relating to innovative applications in the field of Longevity.
Longevity Programs
To continuously improve diagnostics and therapies that promote health and Longevity and to prevent the accumulation of metabolic and molecular damage that lead to the development of more chronic diseases associated with aging and disability.
Financial & Insurance Services
Advisory activities aimed at insurance companies and financial operators to devise strategies and develop innovative products and services to support health, well-being and longevity that take into account the changing needs of the elderly.
New Professions
Formation of new professionals with specific knowledge in the field of well-being and Longevity. (Cooks, physical education specialists, doctors, psychologists, biologists and health workers, insurance companies, medical insurance companies, banks, etc.) Able to be employed in the public and private sectors, or able to create new productive activities.
Food & Restaurant
Study and definition of structured programs of intermittent fasting, detoxification, fitness, weight loss, anti-aging and high impact longevity with the approval of the doctor and the Longevity nutritionist. Identification and development of specific foods for the sector.
Information activity to network local structures, such as secondary schools, university faculties and departments, scientific societies, local health units, third sector, teachers, professors, general practitioners, volunteers.
Age friendly Communities
Consultancy and collaboration in the food, fitness, medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology sectors, relating to innovative applications in the field of Longevity.
Staff Training
Staff training for longevity and professional health centers (doctors, nurses, teachers and educational health professionals) engaged in health education and information and the prevention of chronic diseases of aging.