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The Italian Longevity League (ILL) is set up to scientifically face the new challenges, but also the opportunities offered by a rapidly aging society. The strategic task of the ILL is to study and implement strategies and interventions that:

  1. Promote physical, mental and financial health, enabling Italian citizens to live healthy, active, creative and independent lives into old age

  2. They contribute to the sustainability and efficiency of the health, social and welfare systems, favoring the establishment of the Italian league of scientific societies and world opinion leaders dealing with longevity  active.

  3. They favor the development of activities focused on the design of “Made in Italy” products and services connected to well-being, longevity and active and healthy aging.

  4. Promote health education and training, networking structures (and personnel) that already exist in the area (e.g. schools, hotel schools, faculties of motor science, and medicine, society  scientific, local health units, teachers, professors, general practitioners, volunteers of governmental and non-governmental voluntary associations) and also of new professional figures related to well-being and longevity.

All healthcare professionals (Doctors, Graduates in Nursing Sciences, Graduates in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, Graduates in other similar Health Professions) can become Members of the ILL , without any limitation.  and non-medical Italians and foreigners who, for study or work are interested in the activity and / or discipline of Longevity  Active and operating in structures and sectors of activity of the NHS or in a free-professional regime or in the private sector.

The ILL Member will be entitled to the following benefits:

  1. Discounted access to Longevity programs at the nearest Longevity Center or c / o Longevity Training Center (according to an individually agreed program)

  2. ILL membership card with logo to be displayed

  3. Subscription to the mailing list for the dissemination of activities and news

  4. It can be an active part in proximity and national activities (e.g. creating a

    ILL branch office)

  5. You will have the opportunity to use the words "center (or profession:

    eg biologist) associated with the Italian Longevity League "

  6. Free registration to the national congress

  7. Discounts for participation in masters, courses and conferences where the ILL is present

  8. Free consultation for the opening of a Longevity Center

They can be associated with ILL

Doctors, Pharmacists, Biologists, Other professions related to Longevity, Medical Centers or Outpatient Clinics, Individuals / companies interested in the development of active Longevity, Young people under 40


Social shares:

The payment of the annual fee is an indispensable element to participate in the activities of the ILL (Courses, Assemblies, Voting etc ..). In case of non-payment for two consecutive years, the Members are considered forfeited.

Share of doctors or health professions over 35

€ 50.00

Fee for doctors or health professions under 35

€ 25.00

Share non-health professionals

€ 40.00



Current account in the name of:

Italian Longevity League

ILL registration [year]

in the name of [specify name and surname]

Send to  the registration form
Download here ) and the payment slip for the membership fee



It is possible to pay by credit card or debit card through the Paypal checkout system, even without being registered with Paypal.

How to pay with PayPal without an account?

After clicking on the "CONFIRM PAYMENT WITH PAYPAL" button, on the paypal page that opens, click on the item "Pay with a card" and then continue with entering the data.

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button


1. Accesso scontato ai programmi di Longevita’ c/o il Longevity Center piu’ vicino o c/o il Longevity Training Center ( secondo un programma concordato individualmente )​

2. Agevolazioni alla partecipazione a master, corsi e congressi ove sia presente la ILL​

3. Avranno diritto all'iscrizione gratuita al congresso nazionale

​4. Avranno la possibilità di utilizzare la dicitura "centro ( oppure dicitura della professione: ad es. "biologo") associato all’Italian Longevity League”

5. Potranno essere parte attiva nelle attività di prossimità e nazionali ( ad es creare una sede periferica della ILL)​

6. Potranno ricevere la consulenza gratuita per l’apertura di un Longevity Center.

7. Saranno iscritti alla mailing list per la diffusione di attività e notizie​


On  ILL News, Projects, Events and Congresses

Check your email address to confirm your subscription.

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